9 Board Games To Play For Strategy Lovers

9 Board Games To Play For Strategy Lovers

Having a games room at home doesn’t strictly have to mean filling it with video games and other electronics. Board games and other table games involving strategy is something to consider.

Board games have been enjoyed by people of all ages for centuries. Whether you’re looking for a fun activity to do with friends or a way to pass the time with family, there’s a board game out there for you.

For strategy lovers, here are 9 board games to add to your games room:

Settlers of Catan

This classic board game is all about strategy and resource management. Players compete to build settlements and cities on a fictional island, while also trading and negotiating with each other to gain resources and advantage. With a seemingly endless number of game variations, it’s no wonder that Settlers of Catan has become a fan-favorite.

Playing Tips: In Settlers of Catan, one key strategy is to diversify your resource production. This means trying to have access to as many different resources as possible, rather than focusing on just one or two. By diversifying your resource production, you’ll be able to trade with other players more effectively, as well as have a better chance of being able to build whatever you need on your turn.

To achieve this, try to spread out your settlements and cities so that you have access to as many different types of resources as possible. Don’t be afraid to trade with other players, even if it means giving up a resource that you need at the moment. By doing so, you’ll be able to build up goodwill with other players, which can be useful later in the game.

Another important tip is to keep an eye on the development cards. Development cards can provide valuable resources, victory points, or even help you steal resources from other players. Make sure to keep some resources in reserve so that you can buy development cards when they become available.

Finally, remember to pay attention to the game board and adjust your strategy as needed. If another player is hoarding a particular resource, for example, it may be wise to focus on other resources instead. By being flexible and adaptable, you’ll be able to stay one step ahead of your opponents and increase your chances of victory.


Risk is a classic strategy board game that has been enjoyed for decades. The game involves players attempting to conquer the world by moving armies around a map and strategically attacking their opponents. With a bit of luck and a lot of strategy, players can become the ultimate world conquerors.

Playing Tips: In Risk, one key strategy is to balance your forces between offense and defense. While it may be tempting to focus solely on attacking other players and conquering territories, neglecting your own defenses can leave you vulnerable to counterattacks.

To balance your forces effectively, start by securing your borders and establishing a strong defensive position. Make sure you have enough troops to defend your territories from potential attacks. Once your defenses are in place, you can then start to focus on expanding your territories and attacking other players.

Another important tip is to pay attention to the cards you receive from successful attacks. Risk uses a card-based system to provide players with reinforcements, and collecting sets of cards can be a valuable way to gain additional troops. Try to plan your attacks strategically so that you can collect sets of cards and gain reinforcements more quickly.

Finally, remember to stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. In Risk, the game board can change rapidly as players make moves and form alliances. Keep an eye on the board and adjust your strategy as needed to stay one step ahead of your opponents. With careful planning and a bit of luck, you can emerge victorious in this classic game of global domination.


Diplomacy is a classic board game that’s all about alliances and negotiations. Players take on the roles of world leaders in the early 1900s and attempt to build alliances, make deals, and conquer territory. With a strong emphasis on communication and strategy, Diplomacy is a great game for anyone who loves politics and strategy.

Playing Tips: In Diplomacy, as the name suggests, diplomacy and negotiation are critical to success. The game is designed to simulate the complex alliances and shifting alliances of European powers during World War I, and players must use their social skills and strategic thinking to navigate this complex web of relationships.

One key tip for playing Diplomacy is to be proactive in your diplomacy efforts. Don’t wait for other players to approach you with offers or proposals; instead, take the initiative and reach out to other players to discuss potential alliances, truces, or coordinated attacks. By being proactive, you can help shape the game’s dynamics and increase your chances of success.

Another important tip is to be careful with your trust. While alliances are critical to success in Diplomacy, they can also be fragile and easily broken. Be cautious when entering into alliances, and don’t be afraid to back out of an alliance if you feel that your partner is becoming too powerful or is not holding up their end of the bargain.

Finally, keep a close eye on the game board and the movements of other players. Diplomacy is a game of hidden information, and players can often make strategic moves that catch their opponents off guard. Pay attention to the movements of other players and try to anticipate their next moves. By doing so, you can stay one step ahead of your opponents and emerge victorious in this complex and challenging game.

Terraforming Mars

Terraforming Mars is a relatively new board game that has quickly become a favorite among strategy lovers. The game involves players competing to terraform Mars by raising the planet’s temperature, introducing plant and animal life, and building cities to make the planet inhabitable by humans. With its unique gameplay mechanics and endless replayability, Terraforming Mars is a must-play for anyone who loves strategy games.

Playing Tips: In Terraforming Mars, the key to success is efficient resource management. Players must balance their use of resources to build infrastructure, fund research and development, and ultimately terraform the planet. To do this effectively, it’s important to prioritize the use of resources and plan several turns ahead.

One key tip is to focus on synergy between cards. Many cards in Terraforming Mars provide bonuses when played in combination with other cards or certain actions. Try to identify cards that work well together and build your strategy around them.

Another important tip is to pay attention to milestones and awards. These provide additional victory points and can be a valuable source of income throughout the game. Try to plan your actions to meet the requirements for these milestones and awards, as they can help give you an edge over your opponents.

Finally, remember to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. The game board can change rapidly as players make moves and build infrastructure, so be prepared to adjust your strategy as needed. Keep an eye on the actions of other players and try to anticipate their moves so that you can respond effectively.

By managing your resources effectively, building synergy between cards, and keeping an eye on milestones and awards, you can increase your chances of success in this popular strategy game.


In this cooperative board game, players work together to stop the spread of deadly diseases across the globe. With different roles and abilities, players must strategize and work together to find cures before it’s too late.

Playing Tips: In Pandemic, the key to success is cooperation and communication between players. The game simulates a global pandemic outbreak and players must work together to contain the spread of the disease and find a cure before time runs out.

One key tip is to prioritize teamwork and communication. Players should discuss their moves and coordinate their actions to maximize their effectiveness. Try to work together to identify the most urgent areas of the board that need attention, and plan your moves accordingly.

Another important tip is to be strategic in your use of actions. Each turn, players must choose from a limited number of actions, so it’s important to use them wisely. Prioritize actions that help contain the spread of the disease or help find a cure, and try to avoid actions that waste valuable time or resources.

Finally, remember to stay focused on the ultimate goal: finding a cure for the disease. While it’s important to contain the spread of the disease, players must ultimately find a cure to win the game. Try to coordinate your actions and resources to focus on finding a cure as quickly as possible.

By working together, being strategic in your use of actions, and staying focused on the ultimate goal of finding a cure, you can increase your chances of success in this challenging cooperative game.

Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride is a popular board game that’s all about building train routes across the United States (or other regions of the world, depending on the version you choose). Players must carefully plan their routes, collect train cards, and outmaneuver their opponents to become the ultimate rail baron.

Playing Tips: In Ticket to Ride, the key to success is efficient route building. Players must collect and play train cards to build railway routes across the board, connecting cities and completing routes for points. To do this effectively, it’s important to plan several turns ahead and identify the most efficient routes to complete.

One key tip is to focus on completing your tickets early. Each player is given a set of destination tickets at the start of the game, which provide bonus points for completing specific routes. Try to prioritize completing your tickets as early as possible, as this can give you a significant point boost and help you stay ahead of your opponents.

Another important tip is to pay attention to your opponents’ actions. Keep an eye on the routes they are building and the train cards they are collecting, and try to anticipate their next moves. This can help you avoid blocking their routes or losing out on valuable resources.

Finally, remember to balance your short-term and long-term goals. While completing your tickets is important, you also need to build a network of routes across the board to score points and block your opponents. Try to strike a balance between short-term gains and long-term strategy.

By focusing on efficient route building, paying attention to your opponents’ actions, and balancing short-term and long-term goals, you can increase your chances of success in this popular strategy game.


Codenames is a word association game that requires strategic thinking and teamwork. Players must give clues to their teammates to guess the right words on a grid, while avoiding the wrong ones. With simple rules and endless possibilities, Codenames is a great game for groups of all sizes.

Playing Tips: In Codenames, the key to success is effective communication between the clue-giver and the rest of the team. The game involves giving and guessing clues to identify a set of secret words on the board. To do this effectively, it’s important to think creatively and communicate clearly.

One key tip is to be concise with your clues. The clue-giver is only allowed to give a one-word clue followed by a number to indicate how many words on the board relate to the clue. Try to think of a single word that connects as many words as possible, rather than multiple words that may confuse your team.

Another important tip is to be creative with your clues. Think outside the box and try to come up with unusual connections between the words on the board. This can help your team identify the secret words more quickly and gain an advantage over the other team.

Finally, remember to pay attention to your opponents’ clues. Keep an eye on the words they are selecting and the clues they are giving, and try to anticipate their next moves. This can help you block their progress and gain an advantage in the game.

By being concise and creative with your clues, paying attention to your opponents’ clues, and communicating effectively with your team, you can increase your chances of success in this challenging word game.

Small World

Small World is a fantasy-themed board game where players compete to conquer different territories with different races and powers. With a unique “decline” mechanic, players must constantly adapt and strategize to come out on top.

Playing Tips: In Small World, the key to success is adapting your strategy to the changing game board. The game involves conquering territories with different fantasy races and special powers, and scoring points for each territory you control. To do this effectively, it’s important to be flexible and adapt to the changing game board.

One key tip is to choose your race and special power combination carefully. Each race and power combination has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose one that fits your play style and the current state of the game board. For example, if the board is crowded with other players’ pieces, you may want to choose a race with a special ability to remove other players’ pieces from the board.

Another important tip is to be mindful of your resources. You have a limited number of race tokens and special power tokens, so it’s important to use them strategically. Try to maximize your points by conquering territories with high point values, while also maintaining a strong defense to protect your own territories from other players.

Finally, remember to be flexible and adapt to the changing game board. As the game progresses, territories may become more difficult to conquer or less valuable in terms of points. Be prepared to switch strategies and adapt to the new conditions of the game board to stay ahead of your opponents.

By choosing your race and special power combination carefully, being mindful of your resources, and adapting to the changing game board, you can increase your chances of success in this dynamic and challenging strategy game.


Dominion is a deck-building game where players compete to build the best deck of cards. With different strategies and card combinations, players must outthink their opponents and acquire the most victory points to win the game. With a wide variety of card sets and expansions available, Dominion is a game that can be played over and over again with new and exciting possibilities each time.

Playing Tips: In Dominion, the key to success is building a strong deck of cards that allows you to accumulate victory points more quickly than your opponents. The game involves acquiring and playing different types of cards that allow you to gain resources, buy more cards, and score victory points. To do this effectively, it’s important to balance your deck and plan your moves ahead of time.

One key tip is to focus on building a balanced deck. It can be tempting to focus on accumulating victory point cards, but this strategy can backfire if you end up with a deck full of victory point cards that you can’t play effectively. Instead, try to build a deck that allows you to gain resources, buy more cards, and score victory points in a balanced way.

Another important tip is to plan your moves ahead of time. Dominion is a game of strategy, and it’s important to think several moves ahead to anticipate how your opponents will react and how you can best use your resources. Try to plan out your turn before you start playing cards, and think about how each move will affect your overall strategy.

Finally, remember to pay attention to the cards in play and the cards that have already been played. Dominion is a game of resource management, and it’s important to keep track of which cards are available and which have already been used. This can help you anticipate your opponents’ moves and make the most of your own resources.

By building a balanced deck, planning your moves ahead of time, and paying attention to the cards in play, you can increase your chances of success in this challenging and strategic card game.

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