From Japan to Germany: Exploring International Table Games for Your Home Collection

From Japan to Germany: Exploring International Table Games for Your Home Collection

Are you tired of the same old board games in your collection? Why not explore some international games to add some variety to your home games room? From Japan to Germany, there are unique table games from around the world that you can add to your collection.

Let’s take a look at 10 games to add to your home collection and where they were invented.

Shogi (Japan)

Shogi is a two-player strategy game similar to chess. It’s often called the Japanese version of chess, but it has its own set of unique rules and game pieces. The game is played on a board that is 9×9 squares in size, and each player has a set of pieces that they use to try and capture their opponent’s king.

The pieces in Shogi are similar to the pieces in chess, but there are some key differences. For example, each player has two pieces called “gold generals” that are located near the king, and these pieces can move in any direction except diagonally backward.

The objective of the game is to checkmate your opponent’s king, which means that the king is in a position where it cannot escape capture. Unlike chess, captured pieces can be brought back into play by the capturing player, which adds another layer of strategy to the game.

In addition to the standard rules of Shogi, there are also several popular variants of the game that have different rules and piece configurations. Some of these variants include Tori Shogi, Mini Shogi, and Dobutsu Shogi.

Tips to play Shogi better

  1. Focus on developing your pieces: In Shogi, it’s important to focus on developing your pieces quickly and efficiently. Try to move each piece just once in the opening, so that you can develop all your pieces in a timely manner. Pay particular attention to your gold and silver generals, which are key defensive pieces in Shogi.
  2. Don’t give up your pieces easily: Unlike in chess, in Shogi, captured pieces can be brought back into play on your side. However, this doesn’t mean that you should give up your pieces easily. Try to avoid making moves that allow your opponent to capture your pieces for free, and always look for opportunities to capture your opponent’s pieces without losing your own in the process.

Go (China)

Go is one of the oldest board games in the world, with a history that dates back over 2,500 years. It’s a two-player game where the goal is to surround and capture your opponent’s pieces. Go is a two-player board game that is played on a board that is typically 19×19 lines, although smaller board sizes such as 13×13 and 9×9 are also commonly used. The game is played with black and white stones that are placed on the intersections of the lines.

In Go, the object of the game is to control more territory than your opponent. Players take turns placing stones on the board, and the stones can be used to create “territory” by surrounding and enclosing areas of the board. Stones can also be used to capture your opponent’s stones by surrounding them and rendering them unable to move.

The basic rules of Go are simple, but the game is complex and strategic, with a huge number of possible board configurations and outcomes. To play Go at a high level, players must develop a deep understanding of the game’s strategic principles, as well as the ability to read complex board positions and plan multiple moves ahead.

In addition to the standard rules of Go, there are also several popular variants of the game that have different rules and board configurations. Some of these variants include nine-stone Go, capture Go, and Toroidal Go.

Overall, Go is a fascinating and deeply rewarding game that has a rich history and culture in Asia, and is enjoyed by players all over the world. Go is also a game of patience, strategy, and planning, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Keep practicing and learning, and you’ll improve over time.

Tips to play Go better

  1. Focus on controlling the center: In Go, controlling the center of the board is crucial. You want to try and establish a strong presence in the center of the board, while also keeping an eye on the edges and corners. This can help you to control more territory and limit your opponent’s options.
  2. Learn to read ahead: Go is a game of strategic planning and foresight. It’s important to learn how to read ahead and anticipate your opponent’s moves. Try to think about how your opponent might respond to your moves, and plan your next moves accordingly. As you gain experience and improve your reading skills, you’ll be able to predict your opponent’s moves more accurately.

Hnefatafl (Scandinavia)

Hnefatafl is a Viking board game that was popular in Scandinavia during the Viking Age. It’s a strategy game that involves capturing your opponent’s pieces by surrounding them. The game is played on a board that is typically 11×11 squares, although other sizes such as 9×9 and 13×13 are also used. The game has two players, one of whom plays as the attacking side and the other as the defending side.

The pieces in Hnefatafl consist of a king and his defenders on one side, and a larger number of attackers on the other side. The objective of the game is for the attackers to capture the king, while the defenders must try to protect the king and help him escape to one of the corner squares of the board.

The game is played with a set of basic rules, which are relatively simple to learn. However, the game can become quite complex and strategic, with a huge number of possible board positions and outcomes. To play Hnefatafl at a high level, players must develop a deep understanding of the game’s strategic principles, as well as the ability to read complex board positions and plan multiple moves ahead.

In addition to the standard rules of Hnefatafl, there are also several popular variants of the game that have different rules and piece configurations. Some of these variants include Copenhagen Hnefatafl, Alea Evangelii, and Tablut.

Overall, Hnefatafl is a fascinating and unique game that offers a glimpse into the gaming culture of the Viking Age. It requires careful planning and strategic thinking, and is enjoyed by players all over the world.

Tips to play Hnefatafl better

  1. Protect the King: In Hnefatafl, the King is the most important piece, and the objective of the game is to protect or capture the King. If you are playing as the defender, make sure to place your pieces in a way that protects the King from being captured. If you are playing as the attacker, try to isolate the King and create a situation where it is difficult for the defender to protect him.
  2. Plan your moves ahead: Hnefatafl is a game of strategic planning and foresight. It’s important to think ahead and anticipate your opponent’s moves. Try to think about how your opponent might respond to your moves, and plan your next moves accordingly. As you gain experience and improve your planning skills, you’ll be able to predict your opponent’s moves more accurately.

Mancala (Africa)

Mancala is a family of board games that are played around the world, particularly in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The game is played on a board that consists of two rows of small pits or cups, with larger “end” pits or cups on either end. The number of pits and their layout can vary depending on the specific variation of the game being played.

The pieces in Mancala consist of small stones, seeds, or other small objects that are placed in the pits on the board. Each player has a store, which is one of the larger pits or cups at the end of the board. The objective of the game is to capture more pieces than your opponent and to store them in your store.

The game is played with a set of basic rules, which involve moving the pieces from pit to pit around the board in a particular pattern. The game can be quite strategic, with players trying to anticipate their opponent’s moves and plan their own moves accordingly.

In addition to the standard rules of Mancala, there are also many different variations of the game that have different rules and strategies. Some popular variations include Kalah, Bao, and Omweso.

Overall, Mancala is a fascinating and diverse family of games that have a long history and culture in many parts of the world. It is a game of strategy, planning, and foresight, and is enjoyed by players of all ages and skill levels.

Tips to play Mancala better

  1. Look ahead and plan your moves: Mancala is a game that requires strategic planning and foresight. Before making a move, consider the possible outcomes and try to predict how your opponent might respond. Think about the different ways you can move your pieces to gain an advantage and try to plan a few moves ahead. This will help you make more effective moves and avoid getting stuck in a disadvantageous position.
  2. Keep your opponent’s side low: In Mancala, the number of pieces in your opponent’s side of the board is just as important as the number in your own. If you notice that your opponent has a lot of pieces on their side, try to make moves that will reduce their numbers. This will limit the number of moves they can make and increase your chances of capturing their pieces.

Additionally, it’s important to stay aware of the different rules and strategies for the specific variation of Mancala that you are playing. Different variations have different rules, board layouts, and strategies, so take some time to learn the nuances of the version you are playing.

Carrom (India)

Carrom is a tabletop game that is played on a square board. The board is typically made of wood or plastic and has four pockets in each corner. The game is played with small circular pieces called carrom men, which are made of wood or plastic, and a striker, which is a heavier piece used to hit the carrom men.

The basic objective of the game is to use the striker to hit the carrom men into the pockets on the board. The player with the most carrom men in the pockets at the end of the game wins. Carrom is typically played by two or four players, with each player taking turns to hit the carrom men.

Carrom is a game of skill, strategy, and accuracy, and it requires a lot of practice to become good at it. The game has a number of different rules and techniques that players can use to improve their gameplay, such as:

  1. Proper finger placement: In Carrom, players use their fingers to hit the striker and the carrom men. Proper finger placement is essential for accuracy and consistency. Players should practice using the same finger placement for each shot to improve their aim.
  2. Strategic use of carrom men: Players should use their carrom men strategically to block their opponent’s shots and set up their own shots. Placing carrom men in positions that make it difficult for the opponent to hit their carrom men into the pockets is an effective way to gain an advantage.

Overall, Carrom is a fun and challenging game that requires a combination of skill and strategy to play well. With practice and patience, players can improve their gameplay and become skilled Carrom players.

Tips to play Carrom better

  1. Work on your aiming and shooting technique: In Carrom, accuracy and consistency are key. You need to be able to accurately aim and shoot the striker to hit the carrom men into the pockets. To improve your aiming and shooting technique, practice using the same finger placement for each shot and try to maintain a consistent stroke. Experiment with different angles and levels of force to find what works best for you.
  2. Develop your strategy: Carrom is not just about hitting the carrom men into the pockets – it also requires a strategic approach. Look for opportunities to block your opponent’s shots by positioning your carrom men in strategic locations on the board. You can also use the striker to hit your opponent’s carrom men out of position or into unfavorable spots. In addition, try to set up your own shots by positioning your carrom men in locations that will make it easier for you to hit them into the pockets.

Remember to keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques and strategies. As you play more games, you’ll start to develop a better understanding of the game and what works best for you.

Nine Men’s Morris (Europe)

Nine Men’s Morris is a strategy game that was popular in medieval Europe. It’s a two-player game where the goal is to create three-in-a-row alignments while also blocking your opponent’s moves. The board consists of a grid of 24 points, or intersections, that are connected by lines. The points are arranged in three concentric squares, with eight points on each square. In addition, the game includes 18 pieces, 9 for each player, which are usually different in color.

The game is played in three phases:

  1. Placing: Each player takes turns placing their pieces on the board, one at a time, until all 18 pieces have been placed.
  2. Moving: After all the pieces have been placed, each player takes turns moving one of their pieces along the lines on the board to an adjacent point. The goal is to create rows of three pieces, called “mills,” which allows a player to remove one of their opponent’s pieces from the board.
  3. Flying: When a player is reduced to only three pieces, they may “fly” their pieces to any point on the board instead of moving to an adjacent point.

The game continues until one player has either been reduced to only two pieces or is unable to make a legal move. The player with the most pieces on the board at the end of the game is the winner.

In summary, the parts of Nine Men’s Morris include a board with a grid of 24 points, 18 pieces for two players, and three phases of play: placing, moving, and flying.

Tips to play Nine Men’s Morris better

  1. Focus on forming mills: Forming mills (rows of three pieces in a straight line) is a key strategy in Nine Men’s Morris. It allows you to remove one of your opponent’s pieces from the board, which can give you a significant advantage. When placing your pieces, try to place them in a way that will make it easier to form mills later on. When moving your pieces, try to create or break up your opponent’s mills while also creating your own.
  2. Be flexible and adaptable: Nine Men’s Morris is a game of strategy, and as such, you need to be able to adapt to your opponent’s moves and adjust your strategy accordingly. Try to anticipate your opponent’s next move and plan your own moves accordingly. If your opponent is blocking you from forming mills, try to create a different strategy or look for other opportunities to gain an advantage. Be patient, think ahead, and don’t be afraid to change your approach if needed.

Backgammon (Middle East)

Backgammon is a two-player game that’s been played in the Middle East for thousands of years and goes back to Mesapotamia in terms of its origins although there are some people who often mention present day Iran, Iraq, Syria or India as its home. It involves rolling dice and moving pieces around a board to try to get all your pieces off the board before your opponent does.

Backgammon is a two-player board game that consists of several key parts:

  1. The board: The backgammon board consists of 24 narrow triangles, or points, that are divided into four quadrants. The quadrants are referred to as the player’s home board and outer board, and the opponent’s home board and outer board. The points are numbered from 1 to 24 in a horseshoe pattern.
  2. The checkers: Each player has 15 checkers of a specific color. The checkers are placed on the points of the board according to specific rules.
  3. The dice: Backgammon is a game of chance, and the roll of two dice determines how many spaces a player can move their checkers on the board.
  4. The doubling cube: The doubling cube is a six-sided cube with the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 marked on its faces. It is used to increase the stakes of the game when both players agree to use it.
  5. The bar: If a checker is hit by an opponent, it is placed on the bar, which is a raised divider in the center of the board.
  6. The home board: The home board is the section of the board closest to each player, and it is where the player’s checkers must be moved to in order to bear them off the board and win the game.

The objective of backgammon is to move all of your checkers to your home board and then bear them off the board before your opponent does the same. Along the way, players can hit and block their opponent’s checkers, and use strategy and skill to gain an advantage.

Tips to play backgammon better

  1. Plan ahead: Backgammon is a game of strategy and chance, and good players know how to make the most of both. When it’s your turn, think about all of the possible moves you can make and weigh the risks and benefits of each one. Try to anticipate your opponent’s next moves as well, and plan accordingly. It’s important to have a long-term plan for how you want to move your checkers, but be flexible and willing to adjust your strategy as the game progresses.
  2. Control the board: In backgammon, controlling the board means having more checkers in strategic positions than your opponent. This can make it difficult for your opponent to move their checkers and can increase your chances of winning. Try to establish points of control on the board, such as the opponent’s home board or the bar, and keep your opponent’s checkers trapped as much as possible. At the same time, be aware of your own weaknesses and vulnerabilities and try to protect your checkers from being hit or trapped by your opponent.

The more you play backgammon, the better you will become at recognizing patterns, anticipating your opponent’s moves, and making smart strategic decisions.

Skat (Germany)

Skat is a three-player card game that originated in Germany. It’s a trick-taking game that involves bidding, bluffing, and strategic play utilizing a deck of 32 cards. The game is typically played by three players, with two players playing as opponents and one player playing as the soloist. The game is most commonly played in Germany, but it is also played in other countries.

Skat uses the following parts:

  1. Deck of Cards: Skat is played with a deck of 32 cards, which includes the standard cards from ace to seven in four suits (hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs).
  2. Bidding Board: Before the game begins, players bid to determine who will be the soloist and which game will be played. A bidding board or piece of paper can be used to keep track of the bids.
  3. Score Sheet: A score sheet is used to keep track of the points earned by each player during the game.
  4. Skat Box: The Skat box is used to hold the two cards that are placed face down during the bidding process. These two cards are referred to as the Skat.
  5. Table: A table or other flat surface is needed to play the game.
  6. Pen or Pencil: A pen or pencil is used to keep score and record the bids.

Skat is a game that requires concentration, strategy, and skill and does take practice.

Tips to play Skat better

  1. Know the Value of Your Hand: Understanding the value of your hand is crucial to playing Skat successfully. To do this, you need to know the point values of the cards and the rules of the game. Before the bidding phase, take the time to evaluate your hand and assess its strengths and weaknesses. Pay attention to the suits that you have the most cards in, the number of trump cards you have, and the number of high-value cards you possess. This will help you determine how many points you can realistically earn during the game and adjust your bidding accordingly.
  2. Observe Your Opponents: Skat is a game of observation and deduction. Pay close attention to the cards that are played and the decisions made by your opponents. This will help you to develop an understanding of their playing style, their strengths and weaknesses, and the strategies they use. By doing this, you can adjust your own strategy and make more informed decisions during the game.

Overall, practice and experience are the key to becoming a better Skat player. Keep playing, learn from your mistakes, and pay attention to the nuances of the game.

Mahjong (China)

Mahjong is a tile-based game that originated in China. It’s a four-player game that involves collecting sets of tiles and making strategic plays to outscore your opponents. The objective of the game is to be the first player to create a winning hand by collecting specific sets of tiles.

The main parts of a Mahjong set are as follows:

  1. Tiles: Mahjong is played with a set of 144 tiles. These tiles are divided into three categories: suits, honors, and flowers. The suits consist of bamboo, circles, and characters, while the honors include winds (north, south, east, and west) and dragons (red, green, and white). The flowers are optional tiles that are used in certain variations of the game.
  2. Wall: The tiles are shuffled and arranged into a wall in the center of the table. The wall consists of two rows of tiles, stacked on top of each other, with each row containing 18 tiles.
  3. Starting Tile: The dealer rolls the dice to determine the starting point on the wall, and then begins to distribute tiles to the players.
  4. Racks: Each player has a rack in which to place their tiles. The rack is used to keep the tiles hidden from the other players and to help the player organize their tiles.
  5. Scoring Sticks: Scoring sticks are used to keep track of the score during the game.
  6. Betting Chips: In some variations of Mahjong, players bet with chips or money.

Mahjong is a complex game that requires skill, strategy, concentration and knowledge of the rules.

Tips to play Mahjong better

  1. Pay Attention to the Tiles: To win at Mahjong, it’s essential to pay close attention to the tiles on the board. Look for tiles that match your hand and focus on collecting these tiles. Also, keep an eye on the tiles that your opponents are discarding, as this can give you clues as to what tiles they have in their hand.
  2. Plan Ahead: Mahjong is a game of strategy, and planning ahead is key to success. Before you make a move, take a moment to consider the potential outcomes and the tiles that you might need to win. Consider different combinations of tiles and plan several moves ahead. By doing this, you can increase your chances of creating a winning hand.

Bao (East Africa)

Bao is a family of board games that are commonly played in many African countries including Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique. It’s a two-player game that involves moving stones or seeds around a board and capturing your opponent’s pieces.

The game is played with a board and small pieces, which can be stones, seeds, or beans. Here are the main parts of the Bao game:

  1. Board: Bao is played on a wooden board that has two rows of eight pits or depressions. These pits are arranged in a rectangular shape, with each row of pits facing the players.
  2. Pieces: The pieces used in Bao can be stones, seeds, or beans, and they are typically small and round. The pieces are placed in the pits on the board during the game.
  3. Main Pits: The two larger pits at the ends of the board are called the main pits. These pits are where captured pieces are placed and where the game begins.
  4. Player Pits: The remaining pits on the board are divided equally between the two players. Each player has four pits on their side of the board.
  5. Scoops: Each player has a scoop, which is a small cup or container used to collect and distribute pieces during the game.
  6. Score House: At the end of the board, there is a rectangular pit called the score house. This is where pieces are placed to keep score during the game.

Overall, Bao is a game of strategy and skill that requires careful planning and quick thinking. It has a rich cultural and historical significance in many African countries, and it is a popular game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Tips to play Bao better

  1. Control the Main Pits: The main pits are the two larger pits at the ends of the board. These pits are important because they are where captured pieces are placed and where the game begins. To control the game, it’s essential to try to capture as many pieces as possible and to keep your opponent from capturing your pieces. Try to create situations where your opponent has to leave their pieces vulnerable to capture in the main pits.
  2. Plan Ahead: Bao is a game of strategy, and planning ahead is crucial to success. Before you make a move, take a moment to consider the potential outcomes and the different moves available to you. Consider different combinations of moves and try to predict what your opponent might do. By doing this, you can increase your chances of making a successful move and avoid leaving your pieces vulnerable to capture.

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