How Big Is A Bubble Soccer Table?

Bubble soccer table

Bubble soccer means different things depending on who is asking about it. While bubble soccer – bubble football as it’s known outside North America – may refer to people getting inside a large inflated clear plastic bubble and running and bouncing around a field playing soccer, it can also refer to a bubble soccer table game played by two people, similar to a bubble hockey table game. That’s what we’re talking about here.

And no, we’re not talking about foosball either as that’s a different game entirely.

A bubble soccer table is typically 70″ x 36″ x 54″ in dimensions and weighs around 190 lbs. Most importantly for the size, look for a model that is sold with the option of a 2-piece base for the game to sit on, enabling the base to be carried in two separate parts through a doorway that is less than 32″ wide. Add-ons that you can choose often include LED lights, and cup holder among other features. Games can also be customized with different team colors. Modern bubble soccer tables are available in a home version retailing for about $3,300 to start with but you can also get a coin-operated arcade version for commercial use for an additional $700.

Bubble Table History

ICE Inc. manufactured the first bubble table sports game back in 1982 with the introduction of bubble hockey which quickly became a fixture in arcades and bars around the world. The protective domed, closed nature of the game made it suitable for commercial use as a coin-operated game.

In 1984, ICE developed the KIXX bubble soccer game based on the design of their hockey game but it was only a mild success. It used a similar design in terms of the rods, players, etc but also included fake turf to mimic real grass on a soccer field which tended to slow the game down. While soccer and hockey are sports that lend themselves well to domed and table versions, soccer isn’t nearly as big a sport in North America as it is in Europe and other continents.

34 years later, ICE has decided to give bubble soccer another try with the introduction of their Super KIXX PRO bubble soccer table. With the popularity of Major League Soccer (MLS) and increased popularity and availability in North American of Premier League, Bundesliga, La Liga and other Euro football leagues, why not?

Game Updates

If you’re familiar with the original KIXX game from 1984, you might be interested to know about technology and design differences between the first version and the new Super KIXX PRO bubble game. While the original KIXX game had fake turf on the ground, the Super KIXX PRO game has a flat smooth surface similar to their bubble hockey game. It means the game plays faster which will please the average player. The quick speed of table games such as bubble hockey, air hockey and foosball is part of the appeal.

The game has really been modernized in terms of automation and scoreboard displays too. The original game featured an overhead scoreboard whereas the new Super KIXX PRO game has a small LCD scoreboard in the corner of each end for both players to see. The new game also features an automated ball elevator to begin play at center field, too. Plus, you can press a button to simulate crowd noise just like their bubble hockey game!

Foosball vs Bubble Soccer

While foosball is the table soccer (football) game many of us are most familiar with, bubble soccer is a different game. Foosball involves game players standing to the side of the table operating solid metal/plastic rods to control their players. You are able to move your players to the left and right of the playing surface and you can turn the rods 360 degrees to pass and shoot the ball.

A foosball game is best played with two people on each side so four players total although you can certainly play one on one if desired. A standard foosball table has 11 players total: 3 forwards, 5 midfielders, 2 defense, and 1 goalies. While the 3-5-2 setup for non-goalie players is standard in foosball, in a real soccer game you often see a 4-4-2, 4-5-1 or 4-3-3 set up depending on the coach and game situation.

The Super KIXX PRO game is designed for two players, one operating each team. Like with the hockey game, players stand behind their goalie and look down the field rather than across it like with foosball. It only has 5 players plus 1 goalie per side so 6 players total. While this doesn’t match the 11 per side “real” soccer game experience, it makes for a more compact game table – just like the rod hockey and bubble hockey tables – and makes things more manageable for a game that only requires two players.

Commercial and Home Use

Bubble soccer is based on the original rod hockey game that was first invented in 1932 to mimic ice hockey. The first rod hockey games used small metal rods to control plastic hockey players who moved in a predetermined line along small slits in the table.

Bubble soccer additionally adds the domed bubble component to the game which not only protects the players and parts from damage, it ensures that the soccer ball (or puck in the case of bubble hockey) isn’t lost or stolen. Due to the solid structure and bubble design, both bubble soccer and hockey are ideal choices for either commercial use in an arcade or bar and at home.

Important Features

  • Customizable colors for both teams along with other custom add-ons like LED lighting and cup holder for drinks.
  • Choice of a solid base for the game to sit on or a split base that comes in two pieces to ensure you can fit the game through your doorway.
  • Audio effects with a sound effects button to simulate crowd noise.
  • LCD scoreboard in each corner of the game surface for both players to view.
  • Automated ball elevator that pops the ball up at center field to start play.
  • Each player has been designed to offer different benefits (ie. chipping the ball, passing, shooting) so while one player might have a long leg with flat foot surface for firing a straight shot at the goal, another player is more in a stand up position to block shots or pass the ball.

Bubble Soccer Game In Action

Here is a short video from ICE Inc showcasing their Super KIXX PRO soccer game.

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