Snooker vs Pool vs Billiards

Snooker vs Pool vs Billiards

What is the difference between snooker, pool and billiards? You may come across each name and wonder about the differences if any between the three games. Billiards began as a specific term to describe a game called carom billiards that used a table with no pockets and instead used scoring based on caroms but this game is not nearly as popular anymore certainly not in the US.

Billiards has evolved into an overarching catchall phrase to describe any game that is played on a table with balls and a cue stick. Businesses that specialize in offering this sort of game play are often referred to as billiard rooms or pool halls.

Billiard-style games involving a table and balls have their roots in Europe with billiards and pool both deriving names from French words. Snooker (pronounced snoo-kerr) is a British-created game that uses 21 colored balls and a cue ball on a large 12′ table. Pool generally refers to a game that utilizes 9 to 15 colored balls and a cue ball on a table that is 7′ – 9′ in size. Billiards is another British game that uses only 3 balls comprised of 1 red object ball, 1 white ball for player one and 1 white ball with a spot or a yellow ball for player two. A billiards table is typically the same dimensions as a snooker table and often uses the exact same table for both games.

For the average person looking for a table for their home use, they are generally looking for a pool table and that’s the style of table you typically find in a bar, arcade, restaurant or pool hall.

But there are differences between the three games most notably related to the rules, balls used, and the tables themselves.


This is where the 3 games tend to diverge and separate themselves from one another. Each game has distinctive rules and in some cases different sized table and balls. Each game might also have separate rules for different playing options as we tend to find with pool which has multiple rule choices and methods to win.


Billiards uses 3 balls that are larger than pool balls and utilizes a table which is the same size as snooker does. The object is to outscore your opponent and reach a predetermined score which is often 300. You score points by potting balls but also get more points for potting them directly and less points when you hit another ball in the process.

While there are many forms of billiards, English Billiards is the one most commonly known. Billiards tends to be a very tactical game where you manage both the offensive and defensive aspects of the game. So while you are trying to sink balls for your benefit, you should also keep in mind what your opponent is trying to achieve.


The rules for pool are somewhat complex since there are multiple games that can be played. 8 ball, 9 ball, one pocket pool and straight pool are commonly played games each with their own rules. 8 ball tends to be the pool game most commonly played.

8 ball involves one player trying to pocket balls numbered 1 – 7 with solid colors and the other player responsible for pocketing balls 8 – 15 which have stripes. Once a player has pocketed their balls, they can then attempt to legally pocket the black 8 ball to win the game.

Pool tends to be a slower game than billiards in that the felt on the table slows balls down more so than a billiards table which is faster by comparison.


Snooker involves trying to outscore your opponent by first pocketing a red ball and then pocketing a specific colored ball in alternating fashion until all colored balls have been pocketed. Snooker is also different from pool in that certain trick shots like jumping the cue ball over another ball is not allowed.

Snooker tends to be played with a predetermined odd number of frames to determine the ultimate winner of the match.


Billiards utilizes 3 balls: 1 red, 1 white with a spot (player 1) and 1 white with no spot (player 2). Sometimes the dotted ball is instead yellow in color.

Pool utilizes 1 cue ball plus 9 to 15 colored balls depending on the game you’re playing.

Snooker utilizes 1 cue ball plus 15 pink numberless balls and 6 numbered balls.


While a billiards table has pockets similar to pool and snooker, a carom billiards table has no pockets. A regular billiards table and both pool and snooker tables each have 6 pockets. Pool table pockets are larger than that pockets found on snooker tables.

Pool tables tend to be either a seven foot table (bar table), eight foot table (home or recreational table) or a nine foot table (tournament table for pro use). Snooker tends to use the largest tables at twelve feet. Billiards tables are the same size as a snooker table and often played on the exact same table.


While you hear the names used interchangeably, billiards and pool are actually different games although in practice people tend to refer to them synonymously.

Snooker is also a separate game that while played on a table with a cue and balls, has different rules and tends to be played on the biggest table at 12′. Billiards tends to be played on a table the same size and dimensions as snooker. Pool tables are generally 7′, 8′ or 9′ in size and typically an 8′ table is what home owners purchase and a 7′ table is what you tend to find in bars and pool halls.

So if you purchase a pool table, you will generally be playing the game known as pool. If you purchase a larger snooker table, you can tend to be able to play both snooker and billiards.

Each of the three games has its own set of rules and variations that can also be played. Pool additionally has various versions that can be played where the rules and object of the games may differ slightly.

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