Why An Electronic Dartboard Might Be Better

Why An Electronic Dartboard Might Be Better

A dartboard is a great addition to a games room but if you’re thinking of one, consider an electronic one too. Depending on your experience level and desires moving forward, an electronic dartboard might make sense.

Here are 10 reasons to consider an electronic dartboard using soft-tipped darts over a regular dartboard that uses sharp steel-tipped dart.

  1. Electronic dartboards can automatically keep score, eliminating the need for manual scoring.

    If you just want to have fun and throw darts, keeping score can be time-consuming especially if you’re new to the game. Rather than keeping score and having to write it down, an electronic scoreboard tabulates each player’s score on its own and as we’ll see below, can often remember scores for the future with its memory feature.

    Electronic dartboards can often keep score for up to 8 players which is easier and quicker than doing this manually.
  2. Electronic dartboards typically have a wider variety of game modes and options, such as different game types and skill levels.

    Whereas a regular manual dartboard can certainly involve playing custom games, an electronic dartboard can too with the added benefit of the automation. Automated scoring, different games and variations as well as skill levels adds several levels of fun that a manual board can’t offer.

    When it’s added up, a typical electronic board can offer 30+ games with over 300 variations to choose from, ensuring you’ll never get bored or run out of options to try.
  3. Electronic dartboards often have built-in LCD displays and voice prompts.

    A quality electronic display can be seen in the dark if you have the lights off. Can’t say the same with a regular dartboard.

    Some models not only have a voice prompt to alert each player when it’s their turn, but some models even have a heckler feature (!) to add a distraction to further test your skill as you’re trying to concentrate and throw your darts. Some heckler features will respond accordingly with each good or bad shot by a player.
  4. Electronic dartboards can often be connected to a computer or other device for online play or tournament play.

    Some models offer the ability to play against other darts players from around the world by connecting your electronic dartboard to your smart device through Bluetooth.

    So even if you don’t have a person to play with in your household, you can find another player online and compete with them instead.
  5. Electronic dartboards may have features such as handicapping, player rankings, scoring memory and other benefits that are not found on traditional boards.

    Customizable handicapping is available on some electronic dartboards which evens out the skills level of newer and more experienced players to make a game more competitive. It’s similar to a golf handicap.

    Other features such as player rankings and an ability to remember scores lets you compete with your friends and family and monitor your improvement over time.
  6. Electronic dartboards are often more durable and longer lasting than traditional dartboards.

    Over time, the sharp metals tips of darts damage the dartboard and eventually it will need to be replaced as thrown darts will fall out and won’t stick. While an electronic dartboard has many parts that can also wear out, the reality is that you are not throwing a dart with a sharp tip that does damage so the gameplay and damage caused is eliminated when compared to a regular dartboard.
  7. Electronic dartboards can be designed to automatically detect and remove scored darts, reducing the risk of injury.

    Again, with no sharp tips, there is a reduced chance of injury with an electronic dartboard particularly if you’re playing with kids.
  8. Electronic dartboards often have built-in sound effects and lighting to enhance the overall gaming experience. Some also come with a closable cabinet.

    Electronic dartboards offer a number of potential options that a regular dartboard simply won’t have. Some models have sounds after each shot to alert players with each throw. Some also offer tournament lights to give additional ambiance in the game area during play.

    More expensive models also come in a cabinet with doors that open for gameplay and close again when you’re finished playing to hide and protect the board.
  9. Electronic dartboards typically use soft tip darts, which are safer for use in homes and other indoor locations than traditional steel-tip darts.

    Not only do the soft-tip darts cause less damage to your dartboard, it eliminates the chance that it will damage your wall or floor with missed shots. One of the bigger concerns with a regular dartboard is where to place it given that over time, you will miss shots that can do damage particularly to walls.
  10. Electronic dartboards can also be used as an interactive game show in some events and parties.

    Given the automation of an electronic dartboard, it doesn’t take much to get even beginners involved and can be a great addition to a games room for parties and other events where you have people in the house and want to keep them busy.


If you’d like a comparison of electronic vs regular dartboards, click here. We do a comparison with specifications and pros and cons of each.

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